Dane Garvin Ltd. is an approved CME Provider in Europe under the auspices of the UEMS – EACCME. We are able to accredit programs for European audiences while these activities are simultaneously accredited by CME Providers in the USA, thereby educationally serving both geographies. Activities hosted in Europe are GDPR compliant.
United States
Dane Garvin’s proprietary Learning Management System (LMS) allows for customization of individual activities to meet the educational needs of the target audience by providing continuing education accreditation management for Physicians, NP’s, PA’s, RN’s/LPN’s, Pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals. Reporting to CME/CE accreditation entities is automated and electronically managed.
P.A.C.E.® PROVIDER – Laboratorians
Dane Garvin Ltd. is an approved P.A.C.E.® Provider under the auspices of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS). We are capable of providing accreditation, hosting, and management of P.A.C.E.® activities on our own educational websites, or on other websites providing educational content for laboratorians.
Dane Garvin, Ltd. is the ONLY company that has online automated systems for managing P.A.C.E.® accredited educational activities and auto-reporting the P.A.C.E.® data to the ASCLS CE Organizer. Does your company have P.A.C.E.® Provider status? Are you able to provide P.A.C.E.® accreditation for the educational activities you provide to your laboratory customers? If not, perhaps you should think about becoming a P.A.C.E.® Provider. Dane Garvin can manage this for you.
If you already have P.A.C.E.® Provider status, then perhaps we should talk about how you manage and report the P.A.C.E.® data you collect. Dane Garvin’s online automated systems are able to manage your educational activities and on a 24/7 basis accurately report the P.A.C.E.® data to ASCLS.